Random Thoughts – Randocity!

What’s wrong with Quora?

Posted in botch, business, california, rant by commorancy on July 28, 2019

QuoraYou might be asking, “What is Quora?” We’ll get into that soon enough. Let’s explore the problems with Quora.

Questions and Answers

Before we get into Quora, let’s start by talking about Google. Many people seek answers from Google for many different questions. In fact, questions are the number one use for Google. You don’t go to Google to seek answers you already know. You go there to search (or question) things you don’t know. Such questions might include:

  • Where can I buy a toaster?
  • How long do I bake a chicken?
  • How do I make Quesadillas?
  • What’s the value of my 1974 Pontiac T-Bird?

These are full text questions. And yes, Google does support asking questions in long form such as these above. You can also search Google by using short key words, such as “toastmaster toaster” or “pontiac t-bird” (no, you don’t even need to use the proper case).

These short form questions are solely for use at search engines. When seeking answers to long form questions both Google and other sites can offer responses to your questions. One such site is Quora. Another is Yahoo Answers (a much older platform). Even Google got in on this action with Google Questions and Answers.


Quora is a recent incarnation of the older Yahoo Answers platform. Even before Yahoo Answers, there was Ask Jeeves. Even Epinions, a product review site (defunct as of 2018), had many answers to many questions. Epinions, in fact, opens a bigger discussion around site closures and content… but that’s a discussion for another article.

The real question (ahem) is whether sites like Yahoo Answers and Quora provide valuable answers or whether they simply usurp Google’s ability to answer questions in more trusted ways. I’m on the fence as to this question’s answer. Let me explain more about Quora to understand why I feel this way.

Quora is a crowdsourced product. By that I mean that both questions and answers are driven by crowds of subscribers. Not by Quora staff or, indeed, Quora at all. Unlike Wikipedia which has many volunteers who constantly proof, correct and improve articles to make Wikipedia a trustworthy information source, Quora offers nothing but the weakest of moderation. In fact, the only moderation Quora offers is both removal of answers and banning of accounts.

Quora has no live people out there reviewing questions and answers for either grammar and mechanics, nor trustworthiness. No one questions whether an answer is valid, useful or indeed even correct. Quora doesn’t even require its answer authors to cite sources or in any way validate what they have written. In fact, Quora’s moderation system is so broken that when answer authors do cite sources, their answer might be flagged and removed as ‘spam’. Yes, the very inclusion of web site links can and will cause answers to be marked as spam and removed from the site. Quora’s insane rationale is that if there’s a web link, it must be pointing to a site owned by the answer author and in which the answer author is attempting to advertise. This stupid and undermining rationale is applied by bots who neither read the content they review nor do they understand that the answer author can’t possibly own Wikipedia.com, Amazon.com or eBay.com.

Indeed, Quora’s moderation is so bare bones basic and broken, it undermines Quora’s own trustworthiness so much so that when you read an answer on Quora, you must always question the answer author’s reputation. Even then, because Quora’s verification and reputation system is non-existent, you can never know if the person is who they say they are. But, this is just the tip of the troubles at Quora.

Quora’s Real Problems

Trustworthiness is something every information site must address. It must address it in concrete and useful ways, ways that subscribers can easily get really fast. Wikipedia has addressed its trust issues by a fleet of moderators who constantly comb Wikipedia and who question every article and every statement in each article. Even with a fleet of moderators, incorrect information can creep in. Within a day or two, that information will either be corrected or removed. Wikipedia has very stringent rules around the addition and verification of information.

Twitter offers a verification system so that celebrities and people of note can send information to Twitter to verify who they say they are to Twitter staff. You’ll notice these as little blue check mark’s by the Twitter subscriber’s name. These check marks validate the person as legitimate and not a fake.

Quora, on the other hand, has no such rules or validation systems at all. In fact, Quora’s terms of service are all primarily designed around “behaving nicely” with no rules around validation of content or of authors. Indeed, Quora offers no terms that address trust or truth of the information provided. Far too many times, authors use Quora as a way of writing fanciful fiction. Worse, Quora does nothing to address this problem. They’re too worried about “spam” links than about whether an answer to a question is valid or trustworthy.

Yet, Quora continually usurps Google’s search by placing its questions (and answers implicitly) at the top of the search results. I question the value in Quora for this. It’s fine if Quora’s answers appear in search towards the bottom of the page, but they should NEVER appear at the number 1 position. This is primarily a Google problem. That Google chooses to promote untrustworthy sites at the top of its search results is something that Google most definitely needs to address. Sure, it is a problem for Quora, but it’s likewise a problem for Google.

Google purports to want to maintain “safety” and “trustworthiness” in its search by not leading you to malicious sites and by, instead, leading you to trustworthy sites. Yet, it plops Quora’s sometimes malicious answers at the top of its search results. Google needs to begin rating sites for trustworthiness and it should then push search results to appropriate levels based on that level of trust. Google needs to insist that sites like Quora, which provide consumers with actionable information, must maintain a certain level of trust to maintain high search rankings. Quora having its question results appear in the top 3 positions of the first page of Google search based entirely on weak trustworthiness is completely problematic.

Wikipedia strives to make its site trustworthy… that what you read is, indeed, valuable, valid and truthful information. Quora, on the other hand, makes absolutely no effort to ensure its answers are valid, trustworthy or, indeed, even truthful. You could ask Google for the answer to a question. You might see Quora’s results at the top of Google’s results and click it. Google placing such sites in the top 3 positions implies an automatic level of trust. That the sites that appear in the first 3 results are there because they ARE trustworthy. This implicit trust is entirely misplaced. Google doesn’t, in fact, place sites in the top of its search because they are trustworthy. It places them there because of “popularity”.

You simply can’t jump to this “trustworthiness” conclusion when viewing Google search results. The only thing you can glean from a site appearing in Google results is that it is not going to infect your computer with a virus. Otherwise, Google places any site at the top of its ranking when Google decides to rank in that position. As I said, you should never read any implicit level of trust into sites which appear in the first 3 positions of Google search. Quora proves this out. Quora’s entire lack of trustworthiness of information means that Google is not, in any way, looking out for your best interests. They are looking out for Quora, not you. Quora’s questions sometimes even rank higher than Wikipedia.

Quora’s Answers

With that said, let’s delve deeper into the problem with Quora’s answers. If you’ve ever written an answer on Quora, then you’ll fully understand what I’m about to say. Quora’s terms of service are, in fact, counter to producing trustworthy answers. Unlike news sites like CNN, The Washington Post and the L.A. Times, where journalistic integrity is the key driving force, Quora ensures none of this. Sure, Quora’s answer editor tool does offer the ability to insert quotes and references, but doing so can easily mark your answer as ‘spam’.

In fact, I’ve had 2 or 3 year old Quora answers marked as ‘spam’ and removed from view because of the inclusion of a link to an external and reputable web site. Quora cites violation of terms for this when, in fact, no such violation exists. The author is then required to spend time appealing this “decision”.

Instead, its bots will remove reviews from its site based entirely upon reports by users. If a user doesn’t like the answer, they can report the answer and a Quora review bot will then take the answer down and place it under moderation appeal. There is no manual review by actual Quora staff to check the bot’s work. This work is all done by robots. Robots that can be gamed and sabotaged by irate, irrational, upset users who have a vendetta against other Quorans.

The answer takedowns are never in the interest of trust or making Quora more trustworthy, but are always in the interest of siding with the reporting user who has a vendetta or is simply insane. Users have even learned that they can game Quora’s robots to have answers removed without valid reasons or, indeed, no reasons at all. There’s no check and balance with the moderation robots or takedown requests. Quora receives a report, the answer is summarily removed.

Unfortunately, this is the tip of a much larger Quora iceberg. Let’s continue.

Which is more important, the question or the answer?

All of the above leads to an even bigger problem. Instead of Quora spending its development time attempting to shore up its level of site trust, it instead spends its time creating questionable programs like the Partner Program. A program that, in one idea, sums up everything wrong with Quora.

What is the Partner Program? I’ll get to that in a moment. What the Partner Program ultimately is to Quora is an albatross. Or, more specifically, it will likely become Quora’s downfall. This program solidifies everything I’ve said above and, simultaneously, illustrates Quora’s lack of understanding of its very own platform. Quora doesn’t “get” why a question and answer platform is important.

Which is more important to Quora? They answered this question (ha, see what I did there?) by making the question more important than the answer.

That’s right. The Partner Program rewards people monetarily who ask questions, NOT by rewarding the people who spend the lion’s share of their time writing thoughtful, truthful, trustworthy answers. In effect, Quora has told answer authors that their answers don’t matter. You can write a two sentence answer and it would make no difference. Yes, let’s reward the people who spend 5 minutes writing a 5-10 word sentence… not the people who spend an hour or two crafting trustworthy answers. And this is Quora’s problem in a nutshell.

Worse, it’s not the questions that draw people in to Quora. Yes, the question may be the ‘search terms’, but it’s not why people end up on Quora. The question leads people in, it’s the ANSWER that keeps them there. It’s the answers that people spend their time reading, not the questions.

This is the iceberg that Quora doesn’t get nor do they even understand. The questions are stubs. The questions are merely the arrow pointing the way. It’s not the end, it’s the beginning. The questions are not the reason people visit Quora.

By producing the Partner Program, Quora has flipped the answer authors the proverbial middle finger.finger-512If you’re a Quora answer author, you should definitely consider the Partner Program as insulting. Quora has effectively told the answer authors, “Your answers are worthless. Only questions have monetary value.” Yes, let’s reward the question writers who’ve spent perhaps less than 5 minutes devising a sentence. Let’s completely ignore the answer authors who have spent sometimes hours or days crafting their words, researching those words for clarity and truthfulness and ensuring trust in each detailed answer.

It’s not the questions that draw people in, Quora staff. People visit Quora for the answers. Without thoughtful answers, there is absolutely no reason to visit Quora.

Indeed, Quora’s thinking is completely backasswards, foolish and clownish. It shows just how much a clown outfit Quora really is. Seriously, placing value on the questions at the expense of answer authors who spend hours crafting detailed answers is the very definition of clownish. That situation would be synonymous to The Washington Post or The New York Times valuing and paying readers to leave comments and then asking their journalists to spend their own time and money writing and researching their articles, only to give the article to the newspaper for free. How many journalists would have ever become journalists knowing this business model?


Whomever at Quora dreamed up this clownish idea should be summarily walked to the door. Dissing and dismissing the very lifeblood of your site, the actual question authors, is just intensely one of the most stupid and insane things I’ve seen a site do in its life.

Not only is the very concept of the partner program qlownish, not only does it completely dissuade authors from participating in Quora, not only is it completely backwards thinking, not only does it reward question authors (which honestly makes no sense at all), this program does nothing to establish trust or indeed, does nothing to put forth any journalistic integrity.

Instead, Quora needs to ditch the question Partner Program and fast. It needs to quickly establish a system that not only rewards the best answer authors, it needs to enforce journalistic integrity on EVERY ANSWER. It needs to implement a validation system to ensure that authors are who they say they are. It needs to make certain that every answer author understands that they are in every real sense a ‘journalist’. And, as a journalist, they should uphold journalistic integrity. That integrity means properly researching sources and properly citing those sources. Yes, it’s a hassle, but it means that Quora’s answers will become trustworthy sources of information.

Right now, the answer authors are mostly random and low quality. In fact, most answers are of such low quality that you simply can’t trust anything found on Quora. Since Quora does not enforce any level of journalistic standards on the answers, there is no way anyone reading Quora should trust what any answer author writes. An answer may seem detailed, but in some cases they are pure fiction. No one at Quora ensures that answers in any way uphold any level of journalistic integrity (there’s that phrase again). It’s an important phrase when you’re writing something that people rely on.

Making a statement of fact for something that seems questionable needs to be cited with a source of reference. Show that at least one other reputable source agrees with your “facts”. That doesn’t mean that that “fact” is true. It’s easy for other reputable sites to be fooled by tricksters. This is why it’s important to cite several reputable sources which agree with your facts. I don’t want to dive deep into the topic of journalistic integrity or what it takes to validate sources, so I’ll leave this one here. This article is about Quora’s inability to uphold journalistic integrity.

Quora’s Backward Thinking

Indeed, the Partner Program’s existence confirms that Quora’s site importance is the opposite of journalistic integrity. Quora’s team values only the questions and the question writers. They do not, in any way, value the journalistic integrity required to write a solid, trustworthy answer. Questions are mere tools. They do not at all imply any level of trust. Here’s another analogy that might make more sense.

A question is simply the key to open a lock. A key is a tool and nothing more. You pay for the lock and key together. You don’t pay only for a key. Paying for a key without a lock means you don’t value (or indeed) even need a lock. You can’t lock anything with only a key. The two are a pair and they both go hand-in-hand. If you lose the key, you can’t open the lock. If you lose the lock, they key has no value. However, it’s easier and cheaper to replace a key than it is to replace the lock. This shows you the value of a ‘key’ alone.

Because Quora chooses to place value only the key and not on the lock, they have entirely lost the ability to protect Quora’s reputation and credibility. Indeed, Quora’s credibility was already in jeopardy before the Partner Program was even a twinkle in someone’s eye. With the Partner Program, Quora has solidified its lack of credibility. Quora has officially demonstrated that it is committed to valuing and paying only for keys and never paying for locks to go with those keys. That means the locks will be the weakest, most flimsiest pieces of junk to ever exist… indeed, the locks won’t even exist.

When you’re trying to secure something, you want the strongest, most durable, most rugged, most secure lock you can afford. You don’t care about the key other than as a the means of opening and securing a lock. Sure, you want the key to be durable and rugged, but a key is a key. There’s nothing so magical about a key that you’d be willing the shell out big bucks solely for a key. You always expect a lock and key to go together. You expect to buy both and you expect them both to work as a cohesive whole. If the key fails, the lock is worthless. If the lock is breakable, then the key is worthless. A lock and key are the very definition of a synergistic relationship. In the lock and key relationship, both have equal importance to the relationship. However, the lock itself is viewed by most people as the most important piece. Locks, however, become unimportant if they can’t secure the belongings they are entrusted to protect. Yes, you do need both the key and the lock for the system to function as a whole.

Likewise, Quora needs both the question and answer to function as a cohesive whole. In the synergistic relationship between the question and an answer, neither is more important in this synergy. Of the two, however, like the lock mechanism, the answer is the most important to the end user because it is what imparts the most information to the reader. It is what must be trustworthy. It is what must contain the information needed to answer the question. The question then holds the same functionality as a key. In fact, it is very much considered a key to Google. That’s why they’re called ‘keywords’ or ‘key phrases’. Using the word ‘key’ when in relation to a search engine is intended to be very much synonymous with a real life key you attach to a key ring. A keyword unlocks the data you need.

Valuing both the Lock and Key

Quora needs a rethink. If there’s any value to be held on data, both the key and the lock, or more specifically the question and answer, need to be valued as a cohesive whole. If you value the question, then you must also value the answer(s). This means revenue sharing. The question author will then receive the equivalent % of revenue that each answer author receives based on work involved. Since a sentence might take you 5 minutes to write and requires no trustworthiness at all, the maximum value a question author might receive would be no more than 10%. The remaining 90% of the revenue would be issued to the answer authors based on traffic driven to the site.

Let’s say that $100 in revenue is driven to that Q&A for the first month. $10 is given to the question asker… always 10% of total revenue. That’s probably a little on the high side, but the question asker did kick the whole process off.

Now, let’s say 3 answers are submitted for the question. Let’s assume all 3 answer authors are participating in the revenue program. The remaining $90 is then spread among the 3 answer authors based on total views. Likes might pump up the percentage by a small percentage. If one answer is fully detailed and receives 2.5k views in 30 days and the remaining two answers receive 500 views each, then the 2.5k views answer author would receive at least 72% of the remaining revenue (2.5k + 1k = 3.5k). 2.5k is ~72% of 3.5k. This means this author would receive 72% of the remaining $90 or a total of $65. The remaining $15 would be split between the other two authors. The more participating authors, the less money to go around per answer. Questions that receive perhaps 200 answers might see only a few dollars of revenue per author.

There must also be some guidelines around answers for this to work. Answer authors must be invited to participate in the program. If the answer author isn’t invited and hasn’t agreed to terms, no revenue is shared. Also, one word, one sentence and off-topic answers disqualify the answer from sharing in revenue. Additionally, to remain in the revenue program, the answer author must agree to write solid, on-topic, properly structured, fully researched and cited answers. If an invited author attempts to game the system by producing inappropriate answers to gain revenue, the author will be disqualified from the program with any further ability to participate. Basically, you risk involvement in the revenue sharing by attempting to game it.

This math incentivizes not only quality questions, but also quality answers. The better an answer is, the more views it is likely to receive. More views means more revenue. The better and clearer the answer, the more likely the author is to not only be asked to participate in the revenue sharing program, the more likely they are to receive a higher share of that revenue. The best answers should always be awarded the highest amounts of revenue possible.

Google vs Quora

As I postulated early in the article, does Quora actually hold any value as a site or does it merely usurp Google’s search results? This is a very good question, one that doesn’t have a definitive answer. For me, I find that Quora’s current answers range from occasionally and rarely very high quality to, mostly, junky worthless answers. This junky aspect of Quora leads me towards Quora being a Google usurper. In other words, most of Quora’s results in Google are trash clogging up the search results. They shouldn’t be there.

Unfortunately, Google returns all results in a search whether high or low quality. Google does offer some limited protection mechanisms to prevent malicious sites from appearing in results. But, Google’s definition of the word ‘malicious’ can be different than mine in many cases. Simply because someone can put up a web site with random information doesn’t automatically make that site valuable. Value comes from continually providing high quality information on an ongoing basis… the very definition of professional journalism. Now we’re back to journalistic integrity. We’ve come full circle.

Unfortunately, because of Quora’s lack of insistence on journalistic integrity, I find Quora to be nothing more than a mere novelty… no better than TMZ or the National Enquirer. I’m not saying TMZ doesn’t have journalists. They do. But, a rag is always a rag. Any newspaper dishing dirt on people I always consider the bottom feeders of journalism… the very dreckiest of tabloid journalism. This type of journalism is the kind of trash that has kept the National Enquirer and other tabloids in business for many, many years. It’s sensational journalism at its finest (or worst). Sure, these writers might aspire to be true journalists some day, but they’ll never find reputable journalistic employment dishing dirt on celebrities or fabricating fiction (unless they begin writing fiction novels).

Unfortunately, many of Quora’s answers fall well below even the standards established by the dreckiest of tabloids. The one and only one thing tabloids and Quora have in common is fiction. Unfortunately, the fiction on Quora isn’t even that entertaining. It’s occasionally amusing, but most of it is tedious and cliché at its most common. Think of the worst movie you’ve watched, then realize that most of these Quora fiction “stories” are even less entertaining than that. There may be a few gems here and there (probably written by professional writers simply exercising their chops on Quora), but most of it is not worth reading.

Worse, the trust level of what’s written is so low (regardless of purported “credentials”), there’s nothing on Quora worth extending a level of trust. Reading Quora for sheer entertainment value, perhaps that can be justified a little. Even then, most answers fall way short of having even entertainment value. Even the worst YouTube videos have more entertainment value. Full levels of trust? No way. Quora has in no way earned that.

Seeking Answers

Yes, we all need questions answered, occasionally. We all need to seek advice, occasionally. Yes, I’m even seeking to answer the question, “What’s wrong with Quora?” Of course, don’t expect to read any answers like THIS on Quora. Oh, no no no. Quora is very, very diligent at removing anything it deems to be anti-Quora in sentiment, such at this article. Anyway, if you choose to seek out Quora for this kind of information, Quora’s immediate problems now become your problems. Considering all of the above, Quora is probably one of the worst ways of getting information. Not only can you be easily deceived by an answer author, you can be taken for a ride down Scam Lane. Trust advice from Quora with the same level of skepticism as you would from a 6 year old child. I’m not saying there are 6 year old children on Quora, but Quora certainly acts like one. Seeking Quora for advice means you could, in fact, be taking advice from 13 year old via a Barbie encrusted iPad.

Should I write for Quora?

I’m sure this is the question you are now contemplating after having read this article. This is a question that only you can answer. However, let me leave you with these thoughts. When you write answers for Quora under the current Partner Program, you are doing so for free. Yet, question authors are being paid for YOUR effort, answer and research. You spend the time, THEY get the dime. It’s an entirely unfair arrangement.

To answer this question more definitively… I personally won’t write any future answers for Quora. Quora currently relies on each answer author’s thoughtful, researched answers to make its a success (and bring in ad dollars). If you do not like this turn of events with the Partner Program, say, “NO” and do not write for Quora.

If enough answer authors stop 🛑 writing for Quora, the questions writers can’t and won’t be paid. This will have Quora scrambling for a new fairer equity system. If you are just as disgusted by Quora’s Partner Program as I am, then walk way from Quora and no longer write answers. I have stopped writing answers and will no longer write any further answers for the site until they come to their senses and compensate both question writers and answer authors equally in a profit sharing arrangement.


13 Responses

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  1. SuperDeterrent (@SuperDeterrent) said, on October 18, 2022 at 1:24 am

    To me Quora, LinkedIn and similar sites are prime examples of what I call proliferation of worthlessness. In the beginning, there were some elite names contributors, professors emeritus, known names. But very soon they abandoned this sinking ship, as soon as this proliferation of worthlessness became apparent. How sites like these remain in business is a mystery though I think we are entering a period of cleanup. It will be a slow process, a gradual transition to oblivion.


    • absurdist123 said, on August 9, 2023 at 9:21 pm

      Theres actually a rather amusing term in the web industry for this, coined by Corey Doctrow, the “Enshitification” of the web. Good websites and communities that start off with the best intentions and functionality, but eventually have that functionality replaced by nonsense designed to capture engagement or web traffic at the expense of functionality of usefulness. This is particularly notable in social media sites.


      • commorancy said, on August 16, 2023 at 10:40 am

        Exactly. No need to look any further than the site formerly known as Twitter.


  2. Publius said, on August 23, 2022 at 7:08 am

    They also have a lot of pointless “questions” like “what are some screenshots worth 100000 upvotes?” (Which annoyed me to the point that I Googled for “Quora is useless” for some catharsis and found your post.) It’s just spam so they can show more ads. It’s essentially not even a Q&A site anymore. It’s a scam website.


    • commorancy said, on August 23, 2022 at 10:09 am

      Thanks for your comment Publius. I haven’t used Quora in about 2 years. I found it to be too much of a time suck, but offered little benefit for my answer efforts. Once Quora instituted their questionable partner program, that’s what told me exactly how little Quora values answer authors and how much they value question authors. I chose not to spend time writing questions when I actually prefer writing answers.

      Quora made a huge mistake siding with question writers over answer authors. Even when I left the site, I considered Quora to be a scam site from the way they had chosen to handle its “partner program”. I guess it’s only gotten worse, not better.

      It’s the primary reason I dumped my writing efforts into this WordPress blog… because at least here, monetization is a possibility. There’s no possibility of monetizing my answer efforts on Quora even after spending nearly the same amount of time researching and writing a feasible answer on Quora.

      Thanks again.


  3. mike said, on June 19, 2022 at 2:06 pm

    i find q u o r a is milking the poor. It has people from India, Muslim and Africa using the website with little drive to do good. q u o r a to me doesn’t attract a lot of college graduates, musicians, historians it’s mostly just terrorists and bullies. I find if i tell someone on q u o r a music i listen to or my political opinions it’s ravaged and jaded. I find q u o r a is communist, corrupt and very geared towards liberalism. I believe regular people who love music, family, even America are treated poorly on q u o r a. It advocates terrorism.


    • commorancy said, on June 19, 2022 at 10:34 pm

      Hi Mike,

      Thanks for replying. I respect your opinion about Quora. I’ve never run into bullies or terrorists or anything of the sort, but I also stopped writing for Quora over 2 years ago. I do respect that you may have experienced these problems on Quora. I stopped writing, not because of the problems with people on Quora, but because Quora has chosen to NOT share their advertising revenue with answer authors, who may spend days researching an answer. Instead, Quora has chosen to pay out question writers, who spend maybe 5 minutes crafting a question.

      There’s something seriously wrong with any site who chooses to reward someone who spends 5 minutes crafting a question and who completely ignores those who spend perhaps days crafting an extensive answer… the answers, of which, are why Quora has any revenue in the first place. A question without answers brings no one to Quora.

      For these reasons above, I have chosen not craft any further answers which indirectly promote Quora and, thus, give them more ad revenue. If other answer authors feel okay about doing this for Quora, good on them. If Quora decides to share ad revenue fairly between both question writers and answer authors, I might return. However at the moment, Quora’s current partner program is poorly conceived and badly implemented.


  4. Guilherme Monteiro Jr. said, on January 26, 2022 at 7:24 pm

    The main issue with Quora, that is mosty the most shocking one than the ones you’ve mentioned on your article, is that how Quora is filled with bashing, misinformation, fake news, atheist/religious fanaticism (but mainly atheist fanaticism), extremists of all kinds (mainly liberal and atheist ones), untruths, half-truths, people putting their opinions as objective facts when they aren’t, people trying to force others to give up in life, people calling out abstract or even hypothetical things as “pseudoscientific” and “bullsh1t” regardless how plausible and how good it is (mainly related to science and technology), people with one or two graduations acting as know-it-alls, people with fake graduations, condescending answers, passive-aggressive answers and so on, the problems of Quora are deeper than most of people could actually imagine, Quora is even worse than the darkest tabloids ever, if not, even worse than the darkest Facebook groups an Subreddits out there, and it is even worse that Google often put Quora on the top 3 results, while most of those Facebook groups and Subreddits are often private or even very niche to find in a Google Search. Quora needs of a massive overhaul in literally every aspect of it, not just on the English community of Quora, but in all other languages, such as in the Portuguese community, Spanish community, and French community (that are the ones I most see their contents), as well as all others. I’ve been written so much about how Quora sucks and so many problems related to Quora, I’ve even entered to Quora to make a lot of questions with temp-mail accounts for test some things (besides some autistic attacks I had) and I’ve proved that, Quora is really filled with those things I’ve mentioned before, maybe if Google didn’t put Quora on the top 3 results, but rather in the bottom of the page or even in the second search page, it would be fine, but putting Quora in the top 3 results is very bad, Quora is even darker than Facebook and Twitter somehow, and Google’s Featured Snippets are the worst, and Google also does the same for Facebook and Twitter on Google Search, so yeah, Google is more worried about popularity than trustworthyness, at least Facebook and Twitter have some fact-checking system, very precarious and biased sometimes, but they have, Quora has none, Quora is basically the new Yahoo Answers, if not, even worse than it, because of the propaganda of Quora being an “intellectual website” and people still believing it is an intellectual website when it isn’t, so people will believe in an opinion that was said on Quora simply because it was said on Quora instead of being said on Twitter or Facebook, despite being very wrong or even very bad, and also, Quora deletes comments of people disagreeing or questioning those opinions and things, mainly when it goes against what Quora bots support or pretend to support. In my opinion, seeing all what I said here, writing on Quora is a completely waste of time and effort, since Quora moderation can also arbitrarily delete your questions/answers/comments for nothing or almost nothing, having your own blog is better than using Quora or even using Quozio and then sharing the Quotes on Pinterest is better than use Quora.


    • commorancy said, on January 26, 2022 at 8:51 pm

      Thank you for your comment, Guilherme.

      Ultimately as I discussed in the article, the root cause for all of the problems you mention comes back to Quora’s lack of enforcing trust, ethics and integrity onto answer authors. Because Quora chooses to discourage the use of links to cite valid article references combined with its counter-moderation tactics, such as removal of useful answers and content without reason or cause, that leaves Quora in the state that it’s in. And yes, there are extremists who also post onto Quora regularly. Quora, unfortunately, chooses not to moderate far too much of this extremist content. Instead, Quora chooses to target the better written (higher viewed) answers by removing those from the site.

      Even though there are extremists who post random, sometimes inflammatory answers, these answers don’t seem to get a lot of views. It’s the articles that gather lots of views that Quora and Quora moderation bots go after. I’ve had a number of high view count articles (a few years later) unpublished for random reasons by the moderation bots citing terms violations when none exist.

      These actions then force me, as the author, to spend even more time to dispute the moderation. Every time I’ve disputed, the article goes back to published status a day later, but I have to spend 20-30 minutes crafting a rebuttal for each and every article. That takes way too much time and Quora knows this.

      If the article was written 5 years ago, I’ve no time to spend defending that answer. In fact, after 5 years, most answers are outdated. Quora should simply take it upon themselves to unpublish answers (and questions) over 5 years old. Most answers that old are likely outdated. Remove the question and the answer and let the question be asked again with all new updated answers. Again, it goes back to being a trustworthy site. It’s clear Quora doesn’t care at all about being trustworthy. Instead, they only care about having answers appear in the top 3 search results on Google.

      Unfortunately, Google exacerbates this problem by allowing Quora to appear in these coveted positions when those answers don’t deserve to be there. I still find, to this day, Quora answers in the top spots. Answers that, when I click through to them are actually worthless and untrustworthy. Yet, Google still places Quora in those top positions.

      It’s clear. Google’s search placing algorthim has nothing whatever to do with placing trustworthy content at the top. Instead, Google chooses search result placing by random metrics that, as far as I can tell, are entirely fabricated.


  5. Paul said, on November 18, 2021 at 2:35 pm

    Your article is really great. I seriously feel the same way about Quora as this article. But I would also mention about how Quora answers are biased towards certain topics, such as politics, philosophy, spirituality and religion, Quora is a really bad site for answers regarding those things, most of the answers are very biased towards certain views (or towards militant atheism or towards religious fundamentalism for religious/spiritual questions and or biased towards liberalism for political questions), Quora is not a reliable place for asking about those things, despite some really few questions being good, most of them aren’t, it’s a big rabbit hole when you search about those themes on Quora and you would simply freak out by seeing what kind of things people say there.

    If Quora wants to be a reliable place, they should first find a way to solve this problem, they should avoid answers from militant atheists and answers for religious fundamentalists in those questions, and keep them the most agnostic as possible or even a bit religious/spiritual, and about politics, it should be answered by people who studied about politics and understand politics well, and not just by people who act as if Quora was a place like Facebook for talking about politics, the same values for religion/spirituality.

    I am not denying or devaluing what you told on the article, I am saying that your article applies a lot for topics such as religion, spirituality, politics and philosophy and topics related to them.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Vicky said, on February 7, 2021 at 6:37 am

    Great article. I feel the exact way about Quora as the article is written in.

    Could I ask, How can I contact the you, the author?


    • commorancy said, on February 28, 2021 at 3:29 pm

      Hi Vicky,

      Thanks. Sorry for the delay. The WordPress app has been intermittent and unreliable in notifying me of comments. I’ll send you an email shortly.



    • commorancy said, on December 10, 2021 at 8:35 am

      Hi Vicky,

      The easiest way to contact with us here at Randocity is to click the ‘Contact Us’ link to the right of any article. Submitting into the ‘Contact Us’ area is a private response.



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