Random Thoughts – Randocity!

Help Support Randocity

Hi and welcome to Randocity’s blog support page. Randocity welcomes all contributions from readers like you. If you like reading articles on Randocity, the best way to show that support is by contributing to the site to help make Randocity better.

By showing your support, you will receive specific benefits in return. Please find the contribution tiers below and the benefits you will receive by showing your support.

Contribution Tiers

Bronze Sponsorship

For everyone who contributes at this level, your name will be added to the 2020 sponsorship page -- bronze level (you may opt-out if you wish).


Gold Sponsorship

At this contribution level, you will receive everything at the Bronze level, but your name will go into the Gold sponsors for 2020 area. In addition, I will select one contributor at 2020's end to interview and I will write a blog article featuring you and your interests. The article will be published late in the winter of 2020.


Platinum Sponsorship

At this level, you will receive everything at the Bronze level and at this level, you may contribute up to two topics* and I will write about those topics on Randocity, giving you credit in the article. Your name will be added to the Platinum sponsorship area for 2020.


Diamond Sponsorship — Open Ended

At this level, you will receive everything in all of the above levels. Your name will be added to the Diamond sponsorship level. In addition to being forever grateful, I will also personally call you to thank you. Additionally, we can discuss any article topic* you wish and I will write about it on Randocity. You may contribute up to 10 article ideas for each contribution. Since this one is open ended, your name will stay on the contribution page as a permanent Diamond level sponsor. You will also receive a printed Randocity T-Shirt.


If you haven’t already, please subscribe to this blog by email. The email subscription form is immediately below. If you’re already subscribed, it will also tell you this and thank you for being subscribed.

*Certain article topics are off limits including but not limited to political commentary, gun or weapon related, topics that may lead to performing illegal actions, topics that may harm or injure someone, topics that contain libel/slander/defamation, topics that incite others to perform harm or actions on others, cancel culture topics or any topics that may describe illegal acts. This is NOT a complete list. Randocity will determine the appropriateness of an article topic at the time it is submitted.